It should be mentioned that this course is NOT about specific applications.
Also, the course is NOT structured around certain standardized
application-layer protocols, such as HTTP, RTP, or SIP. We will discuss
some of these protocols in the context of the applications that use them.
Lectures and mini-presentations
Each lecture consists of two parts. In
the first part, the instructor will talk about the state-of-the-art
in that week's topic. The lectures will be based on recent research
papers and other references. In the second part of the class, we will
have one or two small (typically 5 minutes each) student presentations
about specific applications that are related to that week's topic. For
example, if the
lecture topic is Voice-over-IP, the instructor will first cover
fundamental principles and technologies about VoIP, while a student
presentation at the end of the class can focus on a particular Skype feature.
Some (recent and solid) knowledge of computer
is required. This should certainly NOT be the first networking course
you are
taking. However, you do not need to be a "networking student" to
take this course. Students with a primary interest in machine learning
or AI, HCI, or databases will also find some of the topics interesting.
CS6250 is NOT a required prerequisite for this course, as long as you
have taken another networking course before.
Textbook references
The course will NOT use a textbook. Instead, we will study a number
of research and survey papers (listed in the syllabus section).
You are strongly encouraged to look at the recent proceedings of the
following conferences, especially as you look for a project topic:
- World Wide Web (WWW) conference
- Networks and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV)
- Internet Measurement Conference (IMC)
- Sigcomm workshop on Online Social Networks (OSN)
- International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM)
- ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD)
- ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC)
You may also find the following textbooks useful at certain
parts of the course.
- "Web Protocols and Practice", by B.Krishnamurthy and J.Rexford.
- "Digital Compression for Multimedia", by Gibson et al.
- "Internet Measurement", by M.Crovella and B.Krishnamurthy.
- "Web Data Mining", by B.Liu
Syllabus, schedule, and links to references (subject to change - please check frequently!)
Week-1: Introduction - How do people use the Internet? Discussion of possible projects
- How to read a paper? by S.Keshav
- Broadband Fact Book by the Internet Innovation Alliance
- see also most recent Ipoque study
Week-2: Voice over the Internet
- Parts of: Voice over Internet protocol by B. Goode
- A Survey of Packet Loss Recovery Techniques for Streaming Audio by C. Perkins et al.
- Detailed analysis of Skype traffic by D. Bonfiglio et al.
- Optional reading: How NAT-compatible are VoIP Applications? by Y-D. Lin et al.
- Optional reading: Adaptive Playout Scheduling and Loss Concealment for Voice Communication Over IP Networks by Y.J. Liang et al.
Weeks-3/4: Video over the Internet
- Video Streaming: Concepts, Algorithms, and Systems by J. Apostolopoulos et al.
- Watching video over the Web (Part 1 only) by A. Begen et al.
- An Experimental Evaluation of Rate-Adaptation Algorithms in Adaptive Streaming over HTTP by S. Akhshabi et al.
- Optional reading: I Tube, You Tube, Everybody Tubes: Analyzing the World's Largest User Generated Content Video System by M.Cha et al.
- Optional reading: What Matters in Online Video Quality by D. Cryan
Week-5: P2P file distribution
- Peer-to-Peer Systems (a review) by R.Rodrigues and P. Druschel.
- The KaZaA Overlay: A Measurement Study by J. Liang et al.
- Analyzing and Improving a BitTorrent Network's Performance Mechanisms by A. Bharambe et al.
- One-Click Hosting Services: A File-Sharing Hideout by D. Antoniades et al. (optional reading)
Week-6: P2P
- Opportunities and Challenges of Peer-to-Peer Internet Video Broadcast by J. Liu et al. (optional reading)
- Inside the New Coolstreaming: Principles, Measurements and Performance Implications by B. Li et al.
- Challenges, Design and Analysis of a Large-scale P2P VoD System by Y. Huang et al.
Week-7: Multiplayer games and virtual worlds
- Bandwidth Requirement and State Consistency in Three Multiplayer Game Architectures by J. Pellegrino and C. Dovrolis
- Donnybrook: Enabling Large-Scale, High-Speed, Peer-to-Peer Games by A. Bharambe et al.
- Measurement-based Characterization of a Collection of On-line Games by C. Chambers et al.
- Traffic Analysis Beyond This World: the Case of Second Life by S. Fernandes et al. (optional reading)
Weeks-8/9: Email, instant messaging, and other text communication
- Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network by Leskovec and Horvitz
- What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media? by H. Kwak et al.
- Comparative Graph Theoretical Characterization of Networks of Spam and Legitimate Email by Gomez et al. (optional reading)
- Behavioral Profiles for Advanced Email Features by Karagiannis and Bojnovic (optional reading)
Week-10: Social
networking applications and online communities
- Comparison of online social relations in volume vs interaction: a case study of cyworld by Chun et al.
- Structure and Evolution of Online Social Networks by R.Kumar et al.
- Measurement and Analysis of Social Networks by A.Mislove (optional reading)
Week-11: The Web as a marketplace and a public forum
- The Dynamics of Viral Marketing by J.Leskovec et al.
- Predicting consumer behavior with Web search by Goel et al.
- Governance in Social Media: A case study of the Wikipedia promotion process by Leskovec et al. (optional reading)
Week-12: Searching the Web
- Searching the Web by Arasu et al.
- Impact Of Search Engines On Page Popularity by Cho and Roy (optional reading)
- Topical interests and the mitigation of search engine bias by Fortunato et al.
Week-13: Extracting knowledge from the Web
- Spatial Variation in Search Engine Queries by Backstrom et al.
- Cost-effective Outbreak Detection in Networks by Leskovec et al.
- Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle by Leskovec et al.
- Earthquake Shakes Twitter Users: Real-time Event Detection by Social Sensors by Sasaki et al.
Week-14: Presentations of student projects
Term Project
Students will work on a term project in groups of
two or three students.
The term project is supposed to be the most creative and fun part
of the course. Also, the project will be a "hands-on" study
that is related to one or more Internet applications. The
exact project description will be determined by
students themselves. The only requirement is that the project should
have a sufficiently challenging component, and it should be relevant to
the syllabus of this course.
For instance, you can write a new (or modify
an existing open-source) application that is related to the course
topics. You can measure or experiment with existing applications,
evaluating their performance or other characteristics. You can study
the social network of an online community application. Or, you can
propose, study and implement an algorithm that would be useful in one
of the applications we cover (for example, an advanced web searching
algorithm based on clustering or semantic associations). Writing a
survey paper or just running some applications would certainly not be enough.
Project Milestones:
- January 20: form groups of 2-3 students - email group name, participants
(names and email addresses) to the TA and instructor
- February 1: write a 2-page project description, explaining what you want to do
and how you plan to do it - the instructor and TA will provide feedback and you may need to revise your project description
- First week of March: first progress report (each group discusses their progress with the instructor or TA)
- First week of April: second progress report (each group discusses their progress with the instructor or TA)
- April 26: final project presentations
- Class participation and mini-presentations: 10%
- Two midterm exams: 15% each
- Final exam: 30%
- Term project and final
presentation: 30%