Turn-in Policy
To clarify the due time for assignments and how this will function with T-Square. Programs are due at 8:00 pm. That is when your code should be submitted and when we will expect it to be there.
In addition, we are allowing a 6-hour grace period until 2:00 am when the program can be turned in just in case you accidentally forgot to submit it or for one reason or another you happened to miss the deadline by just a little. At precisely 2:00 am, all assignment submission will be turned off and there will be no subsequent chance to submit your program. Do not even think of asking about turning in your work after that time (technically, it was laready 6 hours late). We expect students in class to be responsible and to ensure that deadlines are met. Part of the collegiate learning experience is not just information acquisition, but maturity with respect to conducting yourself and meeting deadlines.
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