# Simple Simulation World # CS 1803 - Fall 2010 # Copyright, Jay Summet # from tkinter import * from math import sqrt #We define a GUI class that handles drawing the simulated agents #in the world (on a canvas) class SimWorld(): agents = [] #our list of agents... running = False #Is the simulation currently running? #This is the constructor. It draws the window with the canvas. def __init__(self, tkMainWin, width =500, height=500): self.width = width self.height = height frame = Frame(tkMainWin) frame.pack() self.canvas = Canvas(frame,width=width,height=height) self.canvas.bind("",self.clicked) self.canvas.bind("",self.rightClicked) self.canvas.pack() self.tick() def tick(self): if self.running: print("tick!") #Tell each agent to go do something! for agent in self.agents: agent.action() #Schedule the next tick! self.canvas.after(300, self.tick) #Start the simulation! def start(self): self.running = True self.tick() #Start the tick method! #Ask the tick method to stop ! def stop(self): self.running = False #This event handler (callback) gets called when the canvas is #left clicked. We identify which agent(s) is/are "under" the mouse # (current) and call it's clicked method. def clicked(self, event): items = self.canvas.find_overlapping(event.x-2,event.y-2, event.x+2, event.y+2) for i in items: for agent in self.agents : if i == agent.iconID: agent.clicked() #This handler deals with "right-click" events, def rightClicked(self,event): print("rightClicked!") items = self.canvas.find_overlapping(event.x-2,event.y-2, event.x+2, event.y+2) for i in items: for agent in self.agents : if i == agent.iconID: agent.rightClicked() #When users add an agent to this sim world, #we add it to our list of agents, and also tell the #agent what world it exists within. def addAgent(self, agent ): self.agents.append(agent) agent.setWorld(self) #Allows removal of an agent from the world. def removeAgent(self, agent): index = self.agents.index(agent) self.agents[index].undraw() del self.agents[index] #Helper method to calculate eclidian distance def distance(self,x1,y1,x2,y2): xDiff = (x1-x2) ** 2 yDiff = (y1-y2) ** 2 distance = sqrt(xDiff+yDiff) return distance #Given an agent, this method will find the closest OTHER agent. #Returns None if their are no other agents. def findClosest(self,agent): x,y = agent.x, agent.y smallest = 9999999999 closest = None for otherAgent in self.agents: if agent != otherAgent: dist = self.distance(x,y, otherAgent.x, otherAgent.y) if dist < smallest: closest = otherAgent smallest = dist return closest #Here we define a generic "Agent" class. Generic agents move randomly. class Agent: x = 0 y = 0 speed = 5 world = None color = "" iconID = None def __init__(self, X=0, Y=0): self.x = X self.y = Y #This method is called when the agent is added to a SimWorld. def setWorld(self,world): self.world = world self.draw() #Agents know how to draw themselves on a worlds canvas. def draw(self): bbox = (self.x-2,self.y-2,self.x+2,self.y+2) self.iconID = self.world.canvas.create_oval( bbox, fill=self.color) #Agents can also undraw themselves if needed. def undraw(self): self.world.canvas.delete(self.iconID) def moveIcon(self,x,y): self.world.canvas.move(self.iconID,x,y) def randomMove(self,distance): from random import randrange xDelta = randrange(-distance,distance+1) yDelta = randrange(-distance, distance+1) #Don't move outside the world! if self.x +xDelta < 0: xDelta = -xDelta if self.y +yDelta < 0: yDelta = -yDelta if self.x +xDelta > self.world.width: xDelta = -xDelta if self.y +yDelta > self.world.height: yDelta = -yDelta self.moveIcon(xDelta,yDelta) self.x = self.x + xDelta self.y = self.y + yDelta #Every "tick" of the clock the world tells Agents to take their action #by calling this method. def action(self): #By default, agents move randomly... self.randomMove(self.speed) #If the user (left) clicks on this agent, the following method will be called def clicked(self): print("I was clicked!") #If the user (right) clicks on this agent, the following method will be called def rightClicked(self): print("I was rightClicked!") class YellowAgent(Agent): color="yellow" #Yellow agents will disapear if you click them. def clicked(self): self.world.removeAgent(self) class OrangeAgent(Agent): color = "orange" speed = 10 #Red agents will stop if you click them. def clicked(self): self.speed = 0 #If this code is ran directly, demo some agents: if __name__ == "__main__": #This code starts up TK and creates a main window. mainWin = Tk() #This code creates an instance of the SimWorld object. sw = SimWorld( mainWin) for i in range(10): sw.addAgent( OrangeAgent(30,30) ) sw.addAgent(YellowAgent(10,10) ) sw.start() #This line starts the main event handling loop and sets us on our way... mainWin.mainloop()