Spring 2013
Modeling & Design
CS 4615, CS 7610
Computational Creativity
CS 4803, 8803
Class Readings
This is a preliminary list of readings.
The instructor will update the list weekly.
We will read only a subset of these papers in this class.
The remaining papers are for your information.
Analogical Thinking
- D. Gentner. (1983) Structure Mapping: A Theoretical Framework for Analogy. Cognitive Science 7: 155-170.
- Holyoak, K. J., & Thagard, P. (1989). Analogical mapping by constraint satisfaction. Cognitive Science, 13, 295-355.
Conceptual Thinking - Fauconnier, G., & Turner, M. (1996). Blending as a Central Process of Grammar. (A. Goldberg, Ed.)Critique, 113, 113-130
- Lakoff, G., & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We Live By. Language (Vol. 59, p. 242). University of Chicago Press.
Creativity in Design
- K. Dorst & N. Cross (2003) Creativity in the Design Process: Problem-Solution Co-Evolution. Design Studies 22:425-437.
- Schon, D. A. (1992). Designing as reflective conversation with the materials of a design situation. Research in Engineering Design, 3(3), 131-147. Springer London.
- Sushkov, V. V., Mars, N. J. I., & Wognum, P. M. (1995). Introduction to TIPS: a theory for creative design. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, 9(3), 177-189.
Creativity in Modeling
- Dunbar, K. (1995). How scientists really reason: Scientific reasoning in realworld laboratories. In R. J. Sternberg & J. E. Davidson (Eds.), The Nature of Insight
- Nersessian, N. -. (2002). The cognitive basis of model-based reasoning. In The Cognitive Basis of Science, P. Carruthers, S. Stich, and M. Siegal eds. Open Court, pp. 178-211.
General Creativity
- Robert Sternberg (2006) The Nature of Creativity.
- E. Torrance (1965) Scientific Views of Creativity and Factors Effecting its Growth.
- Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi. (1996) Where is Creativity?
- Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi. (1996) The Creative Personality.
- Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi. (1996) The Work of Creativity.
- Mihaly Czikzsentmihalyi. (1996) The Flow of Creativity.
IP Theories of creativity
- Simon Colton. Creativity versus the Perception of Creativity in Computational
- Pamela McCorduck (1991) Aaron’s Code, San Francisco, W.H Freeman.
IP Theories of creativity in design
- John Gero (1996). Creativity, emergence and evolution in design: concepts and framework, Knowledge-Based Systems 9(7): 435-448 Learning in Modeling and Design
- Goel, A. K. (1997). Design, analogy, and creativity. Ieee Expert Intelligent Systems And Their Applications. IEEE.
IP Theories of creativity in modeling
- John Clement (1988) Observed Methods for Generating Analogies in Scientific Problem Solving. Cognitive Science 12.
- Darden, Lindley (1998), "Anomaly-Driven Theory Redesign: Computational Philosophy of Science Experiments," in T.W. Bynum and J.H. Moor, The Digital Phoenix: How Computers are Changing Philosophy. New York: Blackwell Publishers, pp. 62-78.
IP Theories of Team Creativity
- Fischer, G. (2004). Social Creativity : Turning Barriers into Opportunities for Collaborative Design. (F. deCindio & D. Schuler, Eds.)Lifelong Learning, 1, 152-161. ACM.
- Maher, M. L., Paulini, M., & Murty, P. (2011). Scaling up: From individual design to collaborative design to collective design. (J. S. Gero, Ed.)Design Computing and Cognition 10, 0, 581-599. Springer.
Interactive tools for creativity
- Shneiderman, B. (2007). Creativity support tools: accelerating discovery and innovation. Communications of the ACM, 50(12), 20-32. ACM.
- Shneiderman, B., Fischer, G., Czerwinski, M., Resnick, M., Myers, B., Candy, L., Edmonds, E., et al. (2006). Creativity Support Tools: Report From a U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 20(2), 61-77. Citeseer.
Interactive Tools for Creativity in Design
- Goel, A., Garza, A., Grue, N., Murdock, J., Recker, M., & Govindaraj, T. (1996). Explanatory interface in interactive design environments. (J. S. Gero & F. Sudweeks, Eds.)Artificial Intelligence. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Gross, M. D., & Do, E. Y.-luen. (2000). Drawing on the Back of an Envelope: a framework for interacting with application programs by freehand drawing.Computers & Graphics, 24(6), 835-849.
- Szykman, S., Sriram, R. D., Bochenek, C., Racz, J. W., & Senfaute, J. (2000). Design repositories: engineering designʼs new knowledge base. Intelligent Systems and their Applications IEEE, 15(3), 48-55.
- Yaner, P. W., & Goel, A. K. (2008). Analogical recognition of shape and structure in design drawings. Ai Edam Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design Analysis And Manufacturing, 22(02), 117-128.
Interactive Tools for Learning about Modeling
- Biswas, G., Leelawong, K., Schwartz, D. L., & Vye, N. (2005). Learning By Teaching: a New Agent Paradigm for Educational Software. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 19(3-4), 363-392.
- Dede, C. (2009). Immersive interfaces for engagement and learning. Science,323(5910), 66-9.
- Vattam, S. S., Goel, A. K., Rugaber, S., Hmelo-Silver, C. E., Jordan, R., Gray, S., & Sinha, S. (2011). Understanding Complex Natural Systems by Articulating Structure-Behavior-Function Models. Educational Technology & Society, 14(1), 66-81.
Knowledge Representations
- Peter, G. (2004). Conceptual Spaces as a Framework for Knowledge Representation. Mind and Matter, 2(2), 9-27.
Markman; Knowledge Representation. Chapter 1. - Minsky, M. (1974). A framework for representing knowledge. (P. Winston, Ed.)The Psychology of Computer Vision. McGraw-Hill.
Methods of Study
- Cross, N. (2001). Design Cognition : Results From Protocol And Other Empirical Studies Of Design Activity. (C. M. Eastman, W. M. McCracken, & W. C. Newstetter, Eds.)Design, 5, 1-20.
- Goel, V. (2000). Dissociation of Design Knowledge. (C. Eastman & W. C. Newstetter, Eds.)Psychology, 1-17.
Systems Thinking
- Forrester (2009) Some Basic Concepts in System Dynamics
- Simon, H. A. (2007). The Architecture of Complexity. (G. Midgley, Ed.)IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 106(6), 467-482.
Team Creativity
- Sarmiento, J. W., & Stahl, G. (2008). Group Creativity in Interaction: Collaborative Referencing, Remembering, and Bridging. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 24(5), 492-504.
- Stempfle, J., & Badke-Schaub, P. (2002). Thinking in design teams - an analysis of team communication. Design Studies, 23(5), 473-496.