Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. What did we cover on day X?
Simply look at the class schedule page to
find out what we covered and which sections of the book were relevant
for each day.
Q. What topics will Exam X cover?
Unless told differently, an exam may cover all of the course content
on the days leading up to that exam.
Q. Will (specific thing) be on the exam?
Until I write the exam, I won't know. Once I write the exam, I won't
tell you. See the previous question - All prior content is fair game.
Q. I really need some help. Where can I look for assistance?
A good place to start might be to read over
the Student Resource Guide we have
created. You should always feel free to talk to the professor and/or
the TAs as well. We're here to help.
Q. I couldn't come to the last class. Did we cover anything important?
I'm always tempted to answer this, "No, I just felt like standing up
in front of a couple hundred people and wasting their time for an
hour" or perhaps "No, as soon as we realized you weren't there we
decided to meditate." Actual answer: I'd like to think every day in class is
Q. Besides studying, what else can I do to improve my grade?
My best advice for success in this class is to do the HWs by yourself
and make sure you understand all the coding on them very well. This is
not a class where you memorize some set of facts. You are learning a
skill with lots of background knowledge. Practice is the best way to
improve. Second,
I always suggest doing lots of practice questions and problems. Make
sure to do the weekly practice problems from our book that I
recommend, and go ahead and do even more from our book and possibly others.
Q. I was sick and missed an exam/quiz/assignment. What should I do?
The first answer is what not to do. Do not take documentation
such as medical forms, etc. to me (the professor). Such materials are
private and
should not be shared with the professor. Instead, you should contact
the Dean of Students and work with their office to potentially seek an
excused absence. If their office determines that this is appropriate,
they will contact and inform me about it.
Q. Can I use my laptop in class?
While I do not explicitly bar the use of laptops in class, I strongly
discourage their use. (Cellphones definitely should not be used, and
should be silenced.) If you think you can be on your laptop and paying
attention to class, you're mistaken. Furthermore, laptops serve to
disrupt students around you. If you need any further convincing that
electronics in the classroom are bad, read these articles:,,,
Q. Can I work together with another student on the HWs?
Yes, you can actively collaborate, but you cannot plagiarize. For more
details about this, please see the course
information page.
Q. How do I get to Prof. Stasko's office?
Q. Can I do extra credit work after the term to help raise my grade?