Summer 2011 CS4001 Assignments
- HW1 Introduction due before 2pm on Thursday May 19th
- HW2 Term Paper Topic Brainstorming due before class (2pm) on Tuesday May 24th
- HW3 Ethical
Frameworks due before 2pm on Thursday May 26th
Associated ethical_dilemma.pdf reading. - HW4 Analyzing Arguments Due before 2pm on Tuesday May 31st
- HW5 Term Paper Topic Proposal Due before 2pm on Thursday June 2nd
- Term Paper References Due before 2pm on Tuesday June 7th. Review this example of a good submission.
- Term Paper Outline Due before 2pm on Tuesday June 14th.
- HW 6 - Watching
Cookies Due before 2pm on Thursday June 16th.
The Unofficial Cookie FAQ - HW7 - Open PGP Due
before 2pm on Thursday June 23rd.
- Term Paper Draft Due
before 2pm on Thursday June 30th.
TP-Draft-grading.pdf - HW8 - TP Draft Peer Review Due before 2pm on Tuesday July 5th.
- Term Paper Due before 2pm on Thursday July 14th.
- In-Class Debates with your Half Table Team on July 26th, 28th, and August 4th.
- Extra Credit Pick ONE of the
following two extra credit assignments. You may do both, but you will
only receive credit for the best one you turn in.
- Go without Entertainment Technology
- Book Review / Reflection about a book from the approved book list.